Kapabamayak Achaak Healing Forest
Winnipeg MB Established 2019 Located in St. John's Park, Winnipeg on Treaty One land, the Kapabamayak Achaak (“Wandering Spirit”) Healing Forest was established in 2019. It received its Spirit name as a gift from Peetanacoot Nenakawekapo, an Anishnaabe Elder. The gathering space, based on the medicine wheel, is wheelchair accessible and provides space for quiet reflection and ceremony. A sacred fire pit (stored offsite) is available on request. Four large grandmother stones, with intricate artwork by Natalie Rostaddejarlais, mark the four directions. The Healing Forest steering committee has worked with neighbourhood schools and communities to develop a living curriculum to learn about medicine plants and Indigenous teachings. A small resource library is also available. For more information, check out
Friendship Trail Healing Forest
St. Adolphe, Manitoba Established in 2022 Ritchot is a rural municipality just south of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a rich Indigenous and Métis culture. Community partners and volunteers who manage the Friendship Trail, a forested recreational trail along the Red River, dedicated the trail as a Healing Forest in 2022. Partners: The Friendship Trail (non-profit community group); Manitoba Metis Foundation, Southeast Region — St. Adolphe local; Ritchot Senior Services (non-profit group); Regional Municipality of Ritchot
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